Monday, August 18, 2008

EPCC Anniversary Weekend - Friday Revival and Healing Meeting

There was no CG meeting at Benji’s place yesterday. We met in church for a Revival and Healing Meeting. This is part of the Anniversary Weekend Celebration.

It was an AWESOME event. We could feel the ‘heat’ of God’s Presence surrounding us. God’s Presence was so strong in our midst, many lives were touched.

It was great to see Unlimited Zone (Jireh Unlimited and Zion) members worshipping together.

Pr. Luis shared his personal moments on how he first resisted Christ and his acceptance of Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. He also shared on how God empowered him with the Holy Spirit. There were tales of his encounters with demonic spirits. He calls them Confrontation of Powers. Of course there is no power like the POWER OF GOD for He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world!! Praise the Lord!

We had 2 new comers and both accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Praise the Lord!

The evening ended with a Healing Rally and yes... supper!!

Praise the Lord for a AWESOME Friday night!

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